It is so easy to be a Christian because all you need is a simple faith in Christ Jesus.However ,it is not easy to follow Christ and live like a Christian in a non-Christian world.Christian will live according to what the Bible say but the world doesn't live like that way at all.Since anything can happen in a non-Christian world,then a Chrsitian will surely need more wisdom from the Bible and also the guidance of the Holy Spirit to live and shine for God's kngdom.The following tips are something that Christians need to be aware of.
1.Live with a prayer life all the times--- There are many things that Christian can't do in this world such as telling a lie or use all kinds of evil methods to solve problems like the non-believers do.When Christian face special situation in their school life or in their work place,th only teacher and coach who can help Christians to get through all the problems will be the Holy Spirit.The Holy Spirit is the only one who knows how to responds to different situation according to the Bible with wisdom.As a Christian ,we all need to sesitive to His Guidance and His voice.He is our comforter and He is our great leader who can lead us into all truth.He is the who can teach Christians how to glorify God in different situation.So Stick with the Holy Spirit in your everyday prayer life and you won't be lost.
2.Live with the Holy Bible all the times---Christian is living like sheeps enter in to a wolf gang when living in a non-Christian world.We will always prepare for persecution and rejection from our non-Christian friends and co-worker.That's the price to pay for being following Christ and we know that all these persecution is just temporary and short when compare to eternality.When the day we receive our reward from the everlasting God,all the persecution will becomes nothing.But still ,as long as we live in this world,we need to know how to act according to God's will.That's why it is important to keep God's holy Words in your life and in your mind everyday.Only when we know God's principle of a Christian living style,we can then face the challenge of everyday living in our non-Christian environment.
3.Live with a boldness to witness for Jesus all the times---Christian are more than a conquerer through Him who lead us all. Being a Christian is the most glorious thing in our life and we need not to hide ourselves from this world.Although there maybe Satanic attack or persecution from friends,employers and even family;we know that with Jesus,our commander,we will have the victory eventually.Thus,witness for God with a brave heart and kindness attitude.There is nothing more important than share Christ to others in this world.For all Christian knows that God alwyas longing for the lost soul to repent and stay away from the eternal judgement of mankind.When we think of how the eternal fire will burn a lost soul day and night,we will then understand how urgent that God wants Christian to share the gosple and be a bold witness to Christ every single second in our life.So..go,go,go....Save more lost souls for Jesus in this year!
1.Live with a prayer life all the times--- There are many things that Christian can't do in this world such as telling a lie or use all kinds of evil methods to solve problems like the non-believers do.When Christian face special situation in their school life or in their work place,th only teacher and coach who can help Christians to get through all the problems will be the Holy Spirit.The Holy Spirit is the only one who knows how to responds to different situation according to the Bible with wisdom.As a Christian ,we all need to sesitive to His Guidance and His voice.He is our comforter and He is our great leader who can lead us into all truth.He is the who can teach Christians how to glorify God in different situation.So Stick with the Holy Spirit in your everyday prayer life and you won't be lost.
2.Live with the Holy Bible all the times---Christian is living like sheeps enter in to a wolf gang when living in a non-Christian world.We will always prepare for persecution and rejection from our non-Christian friends and co-worker.That's the price to pay for being following Christ and we know that all these persecution is just temporary and short when compare to eternality.When the day we receive our reward from the everlasting God,all the persecution will becomes nothing.But still ,as long as we live in this world,we need to know how to act according to God's will.That's why it is important to keep God's holy Words in your life and in your mind everyday.Only when we know God's principle of a Christian living style,we can then face the challenge of everyday living in our non-Christian environment.
3.Live with a boldness to witness for Jesus all the times---Christian are more than a conquerer through Him who lead us all. Being a Christian is the most glorious thing in our life and we need not to hide ourselves from this world.Although there maybe Satanic attack or persecution from friends,employers and even family;we know that with Jesus,our commander,we will have the victory eventually.Thus,witness for God with a brave heart and kindness attitude.There is nothing more important than share Christ to others in this world.For all Christian knows that God alwyas longing for the lost soul to repent and stay away from the eternal judgement of mankind.When we think of how the eternal fire will burn a lost soul day and night,we will then understand how urgent that God wants Christian to share the gosple and be a bold witness to Christ every single second in our life.So..go,go,go....Save more lost souls for Jesus in this year!
Christian live in a non-Christian world is not easy since it is a Spiritual battle.Let's always pray for all Christian around the world and also encourage one another that Jesus had won the battle on the cross.We can never be a loser and we will fight to the end until we reach the Lord's throne and see the glory of the risen Christ.With bthe help of the Holy Spirit,you can do it and we all can do it.Amen!
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