If you are a Christian and you can write a short article, you can earn money through internet. Is there anything that you would like to share about and you want to pass it on through your articles? Or if you don't have the knowledge but you are willing to do some research on the subject that you might not know anything about? That's it and that's all it takes to earn your income online by writing articles.There are many people and places in the internet that are willing to pay you to write. Associated Content is one of them that will pay you to submit your articles. Sign up and submit your article and they will pay you $1.50 for every thousand views your articles .Not just that, they will have other incentive bonus for you if you can can draw in more people to view your article. This will be a great income resource if you have many popular articles.
There are other places that will pay you to write articles. Such as ehow , ezine articles, article base, helium,hubpages and constant content are just some of the most popular places that people will submit articles to increase their income. If Christians can write some article to share the gospel online and earn money at the same time, for sure it will be a great blessing not just to others but also a blessing to the Christian church in return . Since Christians will receive income from their article writing, they will surely have more money to donate for God's work.
Here are few tips to help Christians to earn more money by being a writer online:
1) Always pray for a great idea to write - If you can get an idea from the Holy Spirit before you write, it is much better than your own idea. It is the major differences between the Christian writers and the non-Christian writers. Above all , earning money is still not the priority that a Christian writer should be looking for. If a Christian can write an article that can truly impact life and draw people closer to Jesus, the reward will be much greater than a few dollars from an article. If a Christian can hold an attitude of "seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you"(Matthew 6:33) and write an article according to God's given idea, it will be surely a blessing and joy that money cannot give.
2) Always read more articles before you write - Sometimes you may face the temptation of finish your article as soon as possible and earn a few bucks with that. But never forget that, you may not be the only person that will write on the same topic. Many good articles might have already been published through the internet. Why not read other articles before you write anything? You will be surprised by what you read from other articles. These articles will always enrich your scope before you write your own article.
3) Always promote your article after you have submitted it - Submit your article is only the beginning of your earning process, it is not the end .If you wrote an article but nobody will see it, that doesn't do you any good, right? . There are many ways to promote your article in nowaday . Social network such as Facebook, Twitter, My Space are the places that you don't want to miss it if you want more people to view your article. You can also write comment on blogs, comment on articles or submit to Diggs.com but always remember to leave a link to invite others to view your newly published article.In order to get more exposure and traffic for your article, you surely don't want to miss those Christian social network such as Christian .com where it will be a great place for Christians to view your article.
If you follow these tips, and work hard, you can make some decent money online by writing articles and also enjoy sharing something that God want you to pass it on..
More information on Christian earn money :
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